Communication difficulties and the main strategies used by the nurse and their team in care for the disabled
Nursing team, Deficiencies, CommunicationAbstract
Disability is understood as the individual with structural or physiological anomalies in which there is an impediment to perform any activity, no matter how basic. Disability can be visible as physical and structural or psychological in which we are not sure if the individual has a disability. As it is a restriction that interferes with the basic meanings of life, these users suffer in relation to access to certain establishments, as most places are not adequately prepared to receive these users. As some deficiencies interfere in the communication process, this article seeks to report some negative points that they suffer, communication being a basis for every individual's dialogue. In this context, the work will address the nursing team and its performance with this person with disabilities within the spheres of care, giving greater prominence to the UBS, as it is the place most accessed by the disabled. The objective of this study was to describe the deficiencies and difficulties in communication that the nursing team has during the care provided to this user. Using a descriptive method with a qualitative approach, the national and international databases found in English, Spanish and Portuguese were evaluated, selecting the most appropriate to the proposed theme.
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