Possible complications in pregnancy due to Covid-19





Covid-19, Premature birth, Obstetric nursing, Assistance


Covid-19 is a disease transmitted through the respiratory tract and has become a worldwide pandemic because, due to the lack of adequate treatment and vaccines, it has spread throughout the world causing hundreds of deaths, and for patients who survive it there are sequelae, in this sense, understanding the impact of Covid-19 on pregnant women resulting in complications is fundamental for understanding how nurses work in this scenario. to analyze the main complications listed in the literature as a result of Covid-19 in pregnant women and the role of nurses in obstetric nursing. This is an integrative literature review, the databases used are: NCBI/PubMed (National Center for BiotechnologyInformation), SciELO (Scientific Electronic Lirary Online), Academic Google and Lilacs - Bireme (Latin American Literature and the Caribbean in Health Sciences). To delimit the contents, inclusion criteria were used: articles available in full, in Portuguese, published from 2019 to 2021 with free access and dealing with the topic. The possible complications of Covid-19 throughout the articles presented are associated with respiratory distress both as a result of the disease and pregnancy, as, during this physiological process, steps such as diaphragm elevation, rib straightening, and the respiratory capacity of the pregnant woman it remains impaired, so that in the most serious cases there was a need for premature birth to avoid the death of the mother and baby. The nurse within the obstetric field has a primary technical role in the sense of providing safety to the patient, guidance, drug application, follow-up in cases of recommended cesarean section aiming to provide comfort for both mother and baby, despite the complications in pregnant women not being predominant, those who are affected by these consequences need a longer period of treatment with the health team and thus, a longer stay with the nursing team.


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Author Biographies

Fernanda Oliveira Pereira, Faculdade Integrada Carajás

Possui ensino-medio-segundo-graupela ESCOLA ESTADUAL DE ENSINO MEDIO ENGENHEIRO PALMA MUNIZ(2016). Tem experiência na área de Enfermagem. 

Luana Gabriella Botelho Alves, Faculdade Integrada Carajás

Possui ensino-medio-segundo-graupela EEEM MARIA BENTA OLIVEIRA DE SOUSA(2016). Tem experiência na área de Enfermagem, com ênfase em Enfermagem em Saúde da Mulher.

Camila Silva e Souza, Faculdade Integrada Carajás

Graduada em Enfermagem pelo Centro Universitário de Anápolis- Unievangelica (2009). Especialização em Enfermagem Ginecológica e Obstetrícia, pela Faculdades Integradas de Cruzeiro - Faculdade FIC (2015) Mestre em Ciências e Meio Ambiente- UFPA (2018) . Atualmente é Docente do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem da Faculdade Integrada Carajás nas Disciplinas: Saúde Coletiva, Seminários, Educação em Saúde, Necessidades e Demandas em Saúde Publicas do Pará, Políticas Públicas de Saúde, Saúde da Mulher e ao Neonatal.Orientadora de TCC. Professora do Curso de Enfermagem em Ginecologia e Obstetrícia do Instituto Antônio Carlos - INCAR. 



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