Modernization of the CNIS and its impacts on social security advocacy: an analysis of post-social security reform changes




Social Security Law, Social Security Advocacy, CNIS, Social Security Reform, Pension Planning


This study deeply analyzes the transformations in the National Register of Social Information (CNIS) triggered by Constitutional Amendment nº 103 of 2019, focusing on the developments for social security advocacy. The research problem focuses on the need to understand how changes in the CNIS, an essential tool for managing social security data, impact the effectiveness in defending the rights of insured people, especially considering new legislative guidelines. The general objective of this work was to analyze the impact of these changes in the CNIS on the practice of social security law, evaluating how the updates affect the accuracy of information, the efficiency in accessing and processing this data, and how this changes the ability of lawyers to defend the social security rights of its clients. Methodologically, the study adopted a qualitative approach, using a literature review to explore relevant legislation, academic articles and official publications that contextualize the functioning and updates of the CNIS. Furthermore, the article analyzes how the integration of the CNIS with the Digital Work Card after the reform promotes increased transparency and reduces the chances of fraud and registration errors. The theoretical review chapters discuss the evolution of the CNIS, the challenges brought by the new indicators introduced after the reform and how they require constant updating and familiarity with the system, imposing a learning curve for legal professionals. It also addresses the duality of the benefits of digitalization, which, although it increases efficiency and transparency, also requires significant adaptations on the part of users and professionals. The partial results indicate that, despite operational and learning challenges, the modernization of the CNIS has provided substantial improvements in the management of social security information, facilitating social security advocacy through faster and more accurate access to insured information. In conclusion, the article reiterates that the modernization of the CNIS is fundamental to the effectiveness of social security advocacy in the digital era, requiring professionals to have a deep understanding of the system's new functionalities and to quickly adapt to its complexities. However, it highlights the need for continuous development of public policies that promote digital inclusion to ensure that all citizens can benefit equally from technological innovations in the pension sector.


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Author Biography

Carlos Eduardo Silva, Faculdade CERS

Fundador e CEO de um grupo de empreendimentos, iniciando com a Rocha e Silva Advogados Associados; incluindo a CBPAB - Companhia Brasileira de Produção de Alimentos e Bebidas, que engloba a renomada Cervejaria Servisia e a Cachaçaria Quinta do Aquidabã; além da CBPC - Companhia Brasileira de Produção Científica, compreendendo três editoras, 24 revistas científicas, e o inovador projeto TCC Lab; e da Scientia Energy do Brasil. Técnico em Eletrotécnica pela Escola Politécnica Brasileira, detém Bacharelados em Administração e em Direito pelo Centro Universitário Estácio de Sergipe, está atualmente cursando Engenharia de Alimentos na Faculdade Católica Paulista (UCA) e Design Gráfico pela Unopar Anhanguera. Com especializações em Direito e Prática Previdenciária e Trabalhista, Direito Ambiental, Ciências Criminais, Planejamento e Gestão de Projetos Sociais, e MBA em Desenvolvimento Front End, além de ser Mestre e Doutorando em Saúde e Ambiente pela Universidade Tiradentes, tem sido uma figura proeminente no ensino superior, atuando como coordenador e docente em diversas instituições de renome como UNIFG Centro Universitário, Faculdade Uninassau Aracaju, Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS), Universidade Cidade de São Paulo (UNICID), Universidade Paulista (UNIP), Universidade Tiradentes (UNIT), Faculdade Serigy, Centro Universitário Ages (UniAges), e Faculdade de Negócios do Estado de Sergipe (FANESE). Reconhecido palestrante e consultor independente em todo o país, é autor de diversos artigos e livros de destaque em sua área de atuação.




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