Literacy vs. communicative disorders - 'stuttering'




Stuttering, Fluency, Disfluency, Communicative disorders, Development, Literacy, Difficulties, Reading, Individual


This work was motivated by a quick observation in basic education, where it was possible to ask a question: Is there a relationship in the acquisition of literacy for individuals who have disorders such as stuttering ?. Therefore, based on this thought, it aims to show, briefly, a perspective of what would be a communicative disorder, specifically, stuttering. Based on the studies of Jakubovicz, who wrote a book entitled 'Stuttering', where she discusses the origin, development and theories of definition, using other theorists, as well as Blodstein, who also had his studies explained in this work, we tried to get to know about the difficulties that someone with stuttering faces when acquiring literacy, being included in the line of current education. Approaching from this thought, in the school perspective, literacy and literacy, with theoretical information, mainly, from Cagliari and Mortatti, in order to raise the question of such difficulty, that a person with a disorder can find in the current mechanical teaching of schools. In conclusion, with the view still of the precariousness of the teaching of the Portuguese language in schools, exposed by Cagliari, reading and writing are essential to reach literacy, also taking into account the social, as it is remarkable that the language is synonymous with status thus leading to the possibility of a 'stutterer' being socially excluded, since he does not have a 'good diction', or even the individual himself may, in order not to be among the excluded, choose to have a position of rejection with the reading, making use of other knowledge that is not inherent to formal studies, such as writing and reading.


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Author Biography

Carla Larisse Ferreira dos Santos, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Formada em Letras Vernáculas pela Universidade Federal de Sergipe, apta para lecionar. Experiência na área em Português(gramática) e interpretação de texto, Linguística, discurso e suas vertentes.
Interesses particulares em Fotografia como forma de linguagem, psicanálise e análise comportamental, bem como análise discursivas.

