Literacy and the literacy process in the early grades of elementary school
Education, Written culture, Literacy, OralityAbstract
School education requires resizing, effective change, so that the formation of the human being is more complete, more coherent with social and human demands. To think about the process of insertion of the human being in written culture is undoubtedly to speak of inclusion, social participation, full citizenship. Thus, some recurring pedagogical conceptions and practices are presented in the Literacy and Orality area. It will be verified the relevance of the orality marks, caused by the phonological aspects (the sound of the phoneme), for the written production, being our purpose to open a reflection to the pedagogical practice and the teaching of the Portuguese Language in the elementary schools, mainly in textual production classes. In this sense, we will take as base the philosophical bases of the Elementary Schools of Santa Catarina, of Sociointeracionista base.
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