Science, technology and innovation in the agricultural segment in Brazil




Science, Innovation, Agriculture


Efforts in terms of science and technology have the most effective manifestations in innovations, in their consequences and effects. Traditionally related to industrial activity, the innovation process, scientific-technical dynamism, technological progress and knowledge, in the Brazilian case, seem to be concentrated in agricultural activity. The strong productive and exporting dynamism of activities related to agriculture explains part of this process, but the productive-technological arrangements and aspects of a political-institutional nature have a very significant weight. Thus, with regard to the Brazilian economy, agriculture and livestock have overlapped industrial activity as an element that stimulates production, an export base, a launching pad for innovations and an element for the diffusion of technological progress. Finally, it should be considered whether this imbalance could be corrected by a greater interaction between the two activities.


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Author Biographies

Manoel Gonçalves Rodrigues, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Possui graduação em Engenharia Química pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (1983), especialização em Tecnologia da Informação pela Universidade Fededral do Rio de Janeiro (1998), mestrado em Engenharia Nuclear e Planejamento Energético pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (1987), doutorado em Engenharia Mecânica pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (1995), pós-doutorado em Economia em Transporte e Meio Ambiente pela Universidade da Califórnia em Davis (2001). É pesquisador e professor universitário com atuação nas áreas de políticas públicas, petróleo, gás natural, energia, economia, finanças, comércio exterior, planejamento ambiental, transporte sustentável, ética, bioética, gestão de negócios e inovação tecnológica.

Fernando José Pereira da Costa, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Pesquisador Colaborador do Instituto Virtual de Mudanças Globais - IVIG - Coppe/UFRJ.



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