The nurse facing the patient with chronic renal failure


  • Adriana Keila Dias Faculdade Guaraí
  • Reobbe Aguiar Pereira Faculdade Guaraí



Nurse, Chronic Renal Insufficiency, Treatment


Chronic Kidney Failure can be seen as a public health problem worldwide, due to its high incidence rates and prevalence, as well as the risk of death. In Brazil, the rates are high and has been progressively increased, with treatments that present high costs. Regardless of the cause of the insufficiency, the complications arising from it further compromise the patient's quality of life, generating limitations, dependence, frustrating feelings and undesirable signs and symptoms. However, mention must be made of the types of treatments available, such as dialysis, hemodialysis and renal transplantation, which in turn give the patient hope of improving his health condition by distancing the occurrence of unwanted outcomes. Preventing is the best conduct through healthy living habits. Nursing has a fundamental role, stimulating preventive actions, providing outpatient, hospital and home care to the individual with the disease already installed and his family through procedures and health education, in addition to participating in the development of health protocols for this class of illness.


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Author Biographies

Adriana Keila Dias, Faculdade Guaraí

Graduada em Enfermagem pela Universidade Luterana do Brasil (2005). Pós Graduada em Enfermagem em UTI, Atualmente é professora da Faculdade Guaraí. Tem experiência na área de Enfermagem, com ênfase em Enfermagem em Saúde Publica.

Reobbe Aguiar Pereira, Faculdade Guaraí

Capacidade de trabalhar em equipe, fácil aprendizado, dinâmico, criativo, iniciativo próprio, ético e compromissado com os valores da instituição, visando cumprir com os objetivos propostos.



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