Urban Arborization: resident's perception and analysis of critical regions of heat and humidity, Cáceres-MT





Temperature, Cáceres, Trees


Forestation is a great important element to enhance the life quality of population, in a large urban centre as well as in a small city. The vegetation that it comprises play many essential functions, improving the urban environment through the capacity of producing shadow, mitigate the noise pollution, improving the air quality, increasing humidity and relieve the temperature. The cities uncontrolled growth, in underdevelopment countries such as Brazil, have altered and destroyed ideal conditions for its residents. Analyzing the information about heat islands, urban forestation effects, life quality and environment preservation this work aims to survey together with the residents of Nova Bandeirantes residential district, municipality of Cáceres-MT, about their trees absence perception and its effects. In order to obtain the data to create temperature and humidity maps a Thermohygrometer was used, and to evaluate and register the residents’ perception concerning the urban forestation a short questionnaire was applied. Regards to the residents’ perception about the urban forestation benefits, the interest in having a tree on the sidewalk, 66% of the surveyed residents demonstrated interests in planting a tree, 21,4% did not show interests and 12,8% already have a tree on their sidewalk. The study showed that the individuals know about the forestation importance. The temperature and humidity results demonstrated the importance of the vegetation in the production of a pleasant environment.


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