Estimative of soil loss due to laminar erosion in two river basins of Western Paraná
Soil erosion, Watersheds, Remote sensing, Geographic information system (GIS)Abstract
In environmental management, soil erosion is one of the recurrent problems, which presupposes planning land use according to its potentialities and limitations. This study had as objective to determine the potential of laminar erosion (estimated annual soil loss) for the São Francisco Falso River Basin (SFFRB) and São Francisco Verdadeiro River Basin (SFVRB), located in the western region of the State of Paraná (Brazil), through the spatialization of the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), from map algebra using the Software QGis. The Soil Loss Tolerance (T) map was also elaborated. From the spatialization of USLE it was found that most of the area under study (56.58%) was concentrated in a low estimate range of annual soil loss (0 to 2,5 t ha-1 year-1). Regions of high slope, where the terrain is less dissected and the Latosols predominate, presented lower values for estimating annual soil loss (0 to 10,00 t ha-1 year-1), while in the medium and low slope regions, where there is a predominance of Nitosol soils and greater dissection of the tarrain, higher values were found (10,00 to 50,00 t ha-1 year-1 or > 50,00 t ha-1 year-1). Fractions of 15,68% and 18,27% of SFVRB and SFFRB areas, respectively, presented annual soil loss estimated values higher than their respective loss tolerance.
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