Tuberculosis: an epidemiological analysis in the state of Pará, Brazil
Tuberculosis, Bacilloscopy, Koch's BacillusAbstract
Tuberculosis is a disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Koch's Bacillus), with a prevalence of pulmonary involvement, but it can manifest in other organs. In its most prevalent form, it usually causes severe pulmonary involvement and requires early diagnosis and treatment. To research epidemiological data related to the diagnosis of tuberculosis in the state of Pará. The present work is an observational and retrospective epidemiological study, written from the creation of a PICO question and which used the data collected from the Information System of Notifiable Diseases (SINAN) to quantify and classify the cases confirmed cases of tuberculosis in the state of Pará from January 2020 to June 2022. Of the total confirmed cases in the proposed interval, an average of 2600 cases per semester, it can be observed that there is a prevalence of carrying out the bacilloscopy over other diagnostic methods: 75.5% of patients underwent bacilloscopy against 21.1% who underwent the rapid test and 15.9% who underwent sputum culture (gold standard). It was also possible to verify through the study that there is a considerable number of people diagnosed who belong to risk groups (people living with HIV, people deprived of their freedom and people in a street situation), with the group of people deprived of their freedom being more prevalent, due to mainly the form of transmission of the disease and the ease of contagion in these institutions. With the data collected, it can be noted that, in the state of Pará, people aged 20-59 and males are the target group in which prevention and early screening of tuberculosis should be carried out. In addition, among the vulnerable groups studied, people deprived of liberty are another population segment that also deserves attention when it comes to the prevalence of cases of tuberculosis. Furthermore, further epidemiological studies are still needed in this state in order to improve care and personalize it for target populations.
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