Nurses' mental health and the impacts of Burnout Syndrome




Breast cancer, Prevention, Strategic nursing, Women's health


Burnout syndrome is a mental disorder with depressive characteristics, which is preceded by intense physical and mental strain in the work environment, taking into account these characteristics, it is highlighted that the work environment of nurses is extremely intense, especially as a result of the pandemic period, nurses have faced exhaustion and social isolation. The objective is to address the ways in which nursing professionals are subject to mental wear and tear, before the health service. This is an integrative literature review, the databases used are: NCBI/PubMed (National Center for BiotechnologyInformation), SciELO (Scientific Electronic Lirary Online), Academic Google and Lilacs - Bireme (Latin American Literature and the Caribbean in Health Sciences). To delimit the contents, inclusion criteria were used: articles available in full, in Portuguese, published from 2017 to 2021 with free access and dealing with the topic. Nine articles were discussed that demonstrate that during the pandemic, nursing professionals may have a mental health crisis and have the possibility of developing the burnout syndrome, because they experience stressful situations, including concerns, fears and insecurity in regarding their health and the health of people. It is concluded that nurses are always under pressure in the work environment, which often leads to the onset of burnout syndrome, which is a disease


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Author Biographies

Lays Santos de Sousa, Faculdade Integrada Carajás

Possui graduação em Enfermagem pela Faculdades Integradas Carajás(2021). 

Bruna Randara Soares de Sousa, Faculdade Integrada Carajás

Enfermeira formada pela Faculdade Integrada Carajás (2022). Atualmente prestando assistência voluntária no Hospital Municipal de Floresta do Araguaia - Pa.

Patrícia Maria Lima Silva de Sousa, Faculdade Integrada Carajás

MESTRE em Ciências e Meio Ambiente pela UFPA, Especialista em Saúde Publica pela UEPA, possui graduação em Enfermagem pela UFPB (1994). Tecnóloga em Educação em Saúde também pela UFPB. Atualmente é enfermeira da Prefeitura Municipal de Redenção PA e docente da Faculdade Integrada Carajás em Redenção e da Faculdade de Ensino Superior da Amazônia Reunida ligada ao grupo Afya. Tem experiência na área de Enfermagem e Medicina, com ênfase em Saúde Pública e na Gestão do SUS.



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