Tratamento de esgoto municipal para reúso urbano não potável no semiárido brasileiro
DOI: clave:
Sewage treatment, Urban reuse, Semiarid, Water reuseResumen
The Brazilian semiarid region has less water available than its demand, which can affect the development of activities in the urban, industrial and agricultural sectors. In addition, in this region, about 80% of the sanitary sewage is released into the environment without treatment, causing immense negative environmental impacts, mainly due to the degradation of water quality. The city of Campina Grande-PB is considered the “city of innovationâ€, however, until now the collected sewage is treated by a system composed of stabilization ponds, widely used in the Brazilian Semiarid, but the effluent of this type of ponds is not suitable for urban and industrial reuse. This work studied an alternative sewage treatment system for sanitary sewage in the city of Campina grande-PB, aiming to produce water suitable for non-potable urban reuse. The sewage treatment system removed almost 100% of the indicators on faecal contamination and about 90% of the COD. When compared to the parameters of current legislation, the effluent is suitable for urban reuse, and can be used for washing cars, squares, street markets, sidewalks, patios, floors; discharge of toilet; construction; landscaping; garden irrigation; and others. This type of initiative can decrease the use of better quality water resources, increasing water availability for the region's development.
Derechos de autor 2021 Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencias Ambientales
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