Microbiological analysis of drinking water by the two waterfalls community, Povoado Vila Real, Barra do Corda-Maranhão





Microbiological analysis, Settlement, Potability


This work analyzed the presence of total and thermotolerant coliforms in the water for hydration of the Duas Cachoeiras community, from the PA Cachimbeiro settlement in Vila Real, Barra do Corda - MA. It refers to a research with a quantitative approach, where a sample of water used for drinking was collected in 14 houses in the community, which has 20 families. The methodology for the water analysis was performed according to the determination of the Number of Most Probable (NMP) of coliforms in the water by microbiological analysis according to the Analysis Procedure - M048 A, Colipaper Microbiological Kit, in addition to pH test through indicator strips disposable, brand Macherey-Nagel, Ref. 92110. The results were analyzed under the light of Consolidation Ordinance No. 5, from September 28, 2017, of the Ministry of Health. Of all the water samples analyzed only one from the house represented in the survey by number 7, was able to human consumption, that is, free from coliforms, which is associated with the fact that the resident does not consume water from the river that borders the community and weekly buys mineral water in the city of Barra do Corda-MA. There fore, the results showed that the water drunk by a large part of the community, which comes from the Rio Corda, without any form of treatment, is outside the standards of drinking for consumption, which warns of the need for continuous surveillance of its quality, the provision of an adequate source of water to supply the settlement, in addition to monitoring the health system due to the occurrence of possible diarrheal diseases.


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Author Biographies

Nilson dos Santos Loiola, Instituto Federal do Maranhão

Possui graduação em CIÊNCIAS COM HABILITAÇÃO EM BIOLOGIA pela Universidade Estadual do Maranhão (2009). Atualmente é professor de Biologia, Gestão Ambiental e Meio Ambiente/ ensino médio e tecnológico da rede federal de ensino - IFMA/ Campus Barra do Corda e de Biologia/ ensino médio da rede estadual de ensino - COLÉGIO MILITAR 2 DE JULHO/ BARRA DO CORDA - MA. Mestrando em Ambiente e Desenvolvimento pela UNIVATES/ RS. 

Mayara Letícia Costa Sobrinho, Unidade de Ensino Superior do Centro Maranhense

Farmacêutica formada pelo Instituto Florence de Ensino Superior em 2012; Pós Graduada em Análises Clinicas (2014); Docente na Unidade de Ensino Superior do Centro Maranhense - UNICENTRO - Barra do Cora - MA (2019 atual) Farmacêutica Hospitalar no Hospital Macrorregional de Presidente Dutra -Socorrão (2019l) e Maternidade Humberto Coutinho, Colinas - Maranhão (2017 / 2019); Farmacêutica Comunitária na Drugstore Farmácia Pague Menos (2016 atual).

