Internationalization strategies of an academic technology-based company (EBTA): the case of pipeway engenharia Ltda
Internationalization strategy, Technology-based company of academic origin, GlobalizationAbstract
The main objective of this research was to identify the internationalization strategies adopted by Pipeway Engenharia ltda, as well as the internationalization models and the theoretical approaches that underlie them, in addition to their context and organizational impacts. It was observed that the theories of behavioral bias provided more elements for the analysis of this specific case of the internationalization process, than the theories of economic bias; and that the approximation of the academic environment with the industry is fundamental, and has an important role in the competitiveness of the national industry and in the positioning of technology-based companies. In this case study, it was evident that the theoretical assumptions of the Uppsala School played a predominant role in the internationalization process until 2007, and then the Theory Networks and International Entrepreneurship gained predominance. This change directly impacted the business strategies and the forms of internationalization, which were evident, in the foundation and performance of Pipeway International.
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