Amazonian Tortoise and Tracajá: a bibliographical review about parasitism and socio-environmental relations
Chelonia, Parasitism, Preservation, Podocnemis expansa, Podocnemis unifilisAbstract
The Amazonian Turtle (Podocnemis expansa) and the Tracajá (Podocnemis unifilis) are chelonians of great cultural, environmental and economic importance. In some settlements and riverine communities, these reptiles are taken as a source of food. Thus, this work analyzes, according to other bibliographical sources, the relation of parasites with these chelonians, considering the health of these animals. According to some published works, there are some endoparasites and ectoparasites that can be found in these reptiles, being some cause of diseases that weaken these animals, and can even lead to death. Besides the possible diseases that have affected the chelonians through the parasitism, these animals have their habitat more and more antropizado and have been the object of illegal hunting and exploitation. These factors put the survival of the species at risk, triggering an environmental imbalance in the chain.
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