Hydrodynamic behavior of an Upflow Anaerobic Hybrid Reactor (UAHB)
CFD, UAHB reactor, TDH, Speed, SludgeAbstract
For the computational study of the behavior of an Upflow Anaerobic Hybrid (UAHB) reactor, three variations of the hydraulic detention time (TDH) were used, being considered as parameters of the simulation the fluid velocities, the fluid viscosity and the fluid and sludge. Through the simulations carried out it was possible to observe that approximately 24% of the fluid is at a speed below 3.48x10-6 ms-1 with 4-hour HRT, 1.74x10-6 ms-1 in the simulation with 8-hour and 1 HRT, 16x10-6 ms-1 in the 12-hour TDH simulation, indicating dead zones in the reactor. And with the speed profiles it was verified that the highest values ​​occur in the input and output range of the reactor, phenomena that may have been influenced due to the presence of sludge in the simulations, since many studies do not take it into consideration but they are important because they can change the paths taken by the fluid inside the reactor.
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