Urban morphology: segregation in the contemporary city
Segregation., Contemporary cities., Urban morphology.Abstract
The objective of this work is to carry out a theoretical review of the consolidated segregation in urban soil. In addition to bringing a brief historical approach to the term segregation, among the issues analyzed are aspects related to the causes of this rupture and, at the same time, elucidating the causes and consequences of grouping similars in communities, whether they are needy or even in residential condominiums. High standard, as well as, understand their behavior in relation to the surroundings of the groupings, either in the immediate perimeter or in relation to the whole city. As a result, it was possible to list the agents of this phenomenon, such as, the monetary power or the lack of it arising from the capitalist factor of the current financial market, the performance of the real estate market in the transformation of the cities' soil into commodities and public policies focused on the issues related to urban planning, housing and urban morphology.
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