Flexible pavements: case study of the west marginal BR-010, metropolitan region of the municipality of Palmas/TO.


  • Taís da Silva Costa Instituto Tocantinense Presidente Antônio Carlos Porto
  • Flávio Vieira da Silva Júnior




Flexible Paviments, Flexible Paviment Projects, Paviment Restoration


With the populational and economic growth, the need to expand the transport sector becomes essential. In Brazil, the main way of transporting passengers and cargo is by road, so, it's indispensable that the project and execution of the pavement is done with adequate studies and techniques. The flexible pavements, objective of this study, have techinical requirements that needs to be met for their effectiveness. The chosen asphaltic mixture and the materials for the layers must be compatible with the requirements of the project. For a stable operational performance of the pavement, it's important that the thickness of the layers are used correctly, since an correctly executed layer boosts the pavement's lifespan, makes traffic conditions better and reduce the costs of vehicle maintenance. The Objective of this study is to verify the quality of the executed project on the West Margin of the BR-010 in Palmas/TO urban perimeter, and to find out if the initial project meets the minimal regulations required by the regulatory bodies, on minimal thickness, and also diagnose if the existent pavement supports the current requirements.


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Author Biography

Flávio Vieira da Silva Júnior

Engenheiro Civil pela Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA). Mestre em Infraestrutura de Transportes pelo Instituto Militar de Engenharia (IME). Experiência em planejamento de infraestrutura de transportes urbanos com ênfase em recuperação de pavimentos asfálticos e alocação de linhas de ônibus pelo Método Gravitacional de Newton para elaboração de Matrizes O/D. Atualmente Professor Adjunto do Curso de Pós-Graduação em Pavimentação Rodoviária, e do Curso de Engenharia Civil do Instituto Tocantinense Presidente Antônio Carlos (ITPAC). Coordenador do Escritório Modelo de Engenharia do Curso de Engenharia Civil do Instituto Tocantinense Presidente Antônio Carlos (ITPAC).



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