The work process as an instrument to protect fundamental rights




Insolvent debtor, Labor Law, Implementation modalities, Adjudication


The default of labor claims by the employer is a subject of wide divergence before the courts and from the doctrine itself, seeking legal protection and legal certainty. The topic is of crucial relevance, since it allows, in a much more comprehensive and recurrent way, the satisfaction of credit, covering the possible possibilities to facilitate the performance and prevent the default of labor obligations. At the same time, it comprises the analysis of some constitutional principles that harmonize the basis and justification of the need for effective judicial protection, and that justify its due application in the work process, so that the demand offers at least the promise of guarantee to the worker receipt of your credit, considering the peculiarities of the creditor. It aims to analyze the possibilities of accountability, characterizing and differentiating them according to the doctrine, based on a selection of bibliography and documents related to the theme and in interdisciplinary physical and Internet media.


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Author Biography

Vanessa Caroline Cardoso, Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul

Atualmente é graduanda no curso de Direito. Foi aluna extensionista da Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul no projeto: "Conflitos Sociais e Direitos Humanos: Alternativas Adequadas de Tratamento e Resolução".





Direito do Trabalho e Processo do Trabalho