How can a family stimulate a child with microcephaly?


  • Daniela Maristane Vieira Lopes Maciel Faculdade Guaraí
  • Stefhanne Lorrane Silva Parente Faculdade Guaraí
  • Layena Alice Bento de Sousa Oliveira Faculdade Guaraí



Microcephaly, Early Stimulation, Family, Kid, Child development


Microcephaly is a congenital disease that impairs the normal growth of the child's skull when compared to others of the same age and sex. This disease presents with insufficient growth of the brain which can evolve with several sequels such as delayed neuropsychomotor development, visual and auditory difficulty, mental retardation, delayed motor function followed by dysfunction of the sensibility, speech, conception and behavior, hyperactivity, balance deficits and coordination, facial and respiratory changes, leading to Musculoskeletal disorders such as deformations and contractures . The family was not prepared to deal with a baby with microcephaly and experience feelings of uncertainty about the child's illness, survival, and future, as well as changing family routine and dynamics, reliance on care and assistance from other people or family embers. The child needed to be accompanied by a multiprofissional team and oriented to stimulate the evelopment and to prevent important alterations and commitments in neuropsychomotor development. For this, you ill need to receive a lot of support and guidance on stimulation and domiciliary. The objective of this study is o perform a literature review to identify the strategies that can be used by the family to enhance the development of the child with  microcephaly. The study is characterized as a bibliographic review, based on governmental documents and analysis of scientific articles published between 2008 and 2018, through consultations with government documents and on-line databases such as SciELO, LILACS and Google Scholar between February and April 2018, leading the Keywords microcephaly , early stimulation, family, child and child development. It is of fundamental importance the articulation of the family in the extension of their domicile to complement the actions of the physiotherapist and other professionals who accompany this child. The family should have active action in the early stimulation of the child with microcephaly through tactile, auditory, visual, proprioceptive, vestibular, motor stimuli and also be encouraged to join family support groups in order to break the barriers fear, anguish, and information about the context surrounding your child.


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Author Biographies

Daniela Maristane Vieira Lopes Maciel, Faculdade Guaraí

Mestre em Ciências da Reabilitação com ênfase em Fisioterapia Cardiorrespiratória, pela UNSUAM (2016). Pós-graduada em Terapia Manual e Postural pela CESUMAR (2009), Pós-graduada em Fisioterapia Intensiva e Clínica Hospitalar Pediátrica e Neonatal pela IESC/FAG (2016), graduada em Fisioterapia pela Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (2000). Coordenadora e responsável pela implantação do curso de fisioterapia na IESC/FAG (2013), docente e supervisora de estágio nas áreas de Fisioterapia Pediátrica e Neonatal, Fisioterapia Cardiológica, Fisioterapia Preventiva e Recursos Terapêuticos Manuais. Plantonista concursada do Hospital Regional de Guaraí (HRGUA), no serviço de maternidade, atuando em pré-parto, sala de parto, berçário patológico, alojamento conjunto e clínica pediátrica.

Stefhanne Lorrane Silva Parente, Faculdade Guaraí

Graduanda em Fisioterapia pela Faculdade Guaraí.



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