Retention of fiberglass posts with different luting agents




Fiberglass pin, Cementation of intraradicular posts, Pin, Fiberglass


In order to achieve the real objective in the use of fiberglass posts (GFP), it is necessary to use a cement that promotes sealing and increases retention, contributing to the uniformity of masticatory forces along the long axis of the tooth. To describe, through a literature review, the main cementing agents used in GFP cementation in order to evaluate the quality of material retention and to assist in the professional's clinical decision in several situations, promoting a treatment with longevity. This is a descriptive, exploratory research with a qualitative approach. The following databases were accessed: Medline, Google Scholar, Pubmed, Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), in addition to virtual libraries from several HEIs. We selected 20 articles from the literature that were related to the cementation of GFP as well as the characteristics of these cementing agents. Self-adhesive cements become the first choice in the cementation of these intraradicular posts due to their characteristics that favor excellent retention, such as flow, fluidity and intratubular penetration in dentin irregularities.


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Author Biographies

Pedro Henrique Cabral Dias, Universidade de Gurupi

Possui ensino médio completo pelo Colégio Berlaar Imaculada Conceição. Acadêmica de Enfermagem em formação na UNIMONTES.

Bruno Ricardo Huber Simião, Fundação UNIRG

possui graduação em Odontologia pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2002) e mestrado em Odontologia sub área Prótese Dentária pela Universidade de Taubaté (2005) e Especialização em Implantodontia pela UNICID Palmas - TO (2011). Atualmente é professor concursado do Centro Universitário UNIRG (Gurupi) desde 2004, professor do curso de especialização em Implantodontia da UNICID Palmas - TO (desde 2008) e professor do curso de atualização em Prótese sobre Implante da ABO - TO (2011).



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