Nurses in women's health: oral contraceptives in continuous use and the risk of thrombosis




Nursing care, Side effects, Oral contraceptives, Thrombosis


The use of contraceptives as a form of contraception has been gaining space in society, and as a result, health professionals should be aware of the side effects, and it is up to nurses in the exercise of their profession to know the impacts of prolonged use of this drug on the body of the woman including the risk of thrombosis. The aim of this paper is to discuss the continuous use of oral contraceptives and how this use can increase the risk of thrombosis. This is an integrative literature review, applying the qualitative research method and for delimiting the contents, inclusion criteria were used: articles available in full, in Portuguese and English, published in the period from 2016 to 2021 with free access with thematic relevance. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 10 articles were selected to be analyzed, which as the use of oral contraceptives without proper medical and nursing staff guidance can harm women's health, as it does use of medication without proper guidance, which may even cause thrombosis, and this whole picture can be reversed by a detailed analysis by the nurse and the application of technical guidance and directed towards the clinical needs and history of the patient. It is concluded that it is necessary for nurses to understand the side effects caused by the prolonged use of oral hormonal methods, as well as these problems related to changeable and unchanging risk trends, and properly guide the patient in the use of drugs, or still, seek expert help.


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Author Biographies

Amanda Thays da Silva Lira, Faculdade Integrada Carajás

Possui ensino-medio-segundo-graupelo CENTRO DE ESTUDOS PH7(2015).

Thainara Oliveira Rodrigues, Faculdade Integrada Carajás

Possui graduação em Química pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas(2018), curso-tecnico-profissionalizante em edificações pela ITB Brasilio Flores de Azevedo(2016), ensino-fundamental-primeiro-graupela EEFMT PROFª MARIA THEODORA PEDREIRA DE FREITAS(2013) e ensino-medio-segundo-graupela ITB Brasilio Flores de Azevedo(2016).

Camila Silva e Souza, Faculdade Integrada Carajás

Graduada em Enfermagem pelo Centro Universitário de Anápolis- Unievangelica (2009). Especialização em Enfermagem Ginecológica e Obstetrícia, pela Faculdades Integradas de Cruzeiro - Faculdade FIC (2015) Mestre em Ciências e Meio Ambiente- UFPA (2018) . Atualmente é Docente do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem da Faculdade Integrada Carajás nas Disciplinas: Saúde Coletiva, Seminários, Educação em Saúde, Necessidades e Demandas em Saúde Publicas do Pará, Políticas Públicas de Saúde, Saúde da Mulher e ao Neonatal.Orientadora de TCC. Professora do Curso de Enfermagem em Ginecologia e Obstetrícia do Instituto Antônio Carlos - INCAR.



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