Toxoplasmosis: analysis of knowledge in women in the city of Guaraí/TO




Toxoplasmosis, Knowledge, Streaming, Prevention


Toxoplasmosis is caused by the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii, and achieves high rates of infection in Brazil. The parasite has infecting forms that allow man and other animal species to become contaminated in various ways, such as congenital or transplacental, by handling cat feces, ingestion of raw or malpasted meat, among others. However, the infection can be combated through preventive measures, and these are closely linked to the hygiene and habits of the population. Thus, the study aimed to analyze the knowledge about toxoplasmosis and consequently address preventive measures in women, of reproductive age (10 to 49 years), who live in Guaraí - TO, but only women over 18 years participated in the research. The choice of the analysis to be made only with women of reproductive age was made by the fact that they have a high risk of toxoplasmosis infection, considering that the most severe form of contraction is congenital. They were submitted to a questionnaire composed of 12 questions related to toxoplasmosis. It was found that the majority of the studies are unaware of the disease and that the schooling factor influences positively, since women with a higher level of education presented better results when questioned about the theme, besides showing the lack of medical guidance, due to the fact that many do not know the laboratory diagnostic tests.


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Author Biographies

Mateus Silva Santos, Instituto Educacional Santa Catarina

Graduado no curso de Biomedicina pela Universidade Paulista - UNIP campus: Goiânia, Flamboyant. Teve experiência na graduação na área de Microbiologia, com ênfase em Micologia, fundador e presidente da Liga Acadêmica de Microbiologia Clínica (LAMC), exerceu o cargo de monitor universitário da disciplina de Parasitologia Clínica, Possui mestrado no Programa de Pós Graduação (Mestrado em Genética) da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás (PUC-GO), com experiência na área de Genética Toxicológica e mutagênese, envolvendo plantas com potencial alucinógeno. Atuou como professor adjunto dos cursos de biomedicina, ciências biológicas, enfermagem, zootecnia e agronomia do Instituto Educacional Santa Catarina/Faculdade Guaraí (IESC/FAG) ministrando as disciplinas de Genética humana e animal, biologia molecular, imunologia básica e clínica e microbiologia básica e clínica.

Isalara Cespedes Correa, Instituto Educacional Santa Catarina

Licenciada em Ciências Biológicas pela IESC/Faculdade Guaraí (2019). Recentemente iniciou a especialização em Biotenologia pela Faculdade Unyleya e curso Técnico em Meio Ambiente pela IFTO. Exerceu a função de professora, no Colégio Estadual Dr João D Abreu em Novo Alegre - TO.

Jean da Silva Oliveira, Instituto Educacional Santa Catarina

Possui ensino-medio-segundo-graupelo CENTRO DE ENSINO MÉDIO OQUERLINA TORRES(2016). Tem experiência na área de Ecologia.

