Brazilian research efforts on mining and environmental impacts: an overview of the five decades (1967-2017)




Mining, Publishing Trends, Knowledge Gaps


The objective of this work was to analyze the trends and gaps of the mining and environment impacts studies in Brazil in the last five decades (1967 - 2017) through a scientometric analysis. The research was carried out by searching for works with combinations of words in the ISI Web of Knowledge (Thomson Reuters), Scopus Database (Elsevier) and Scielo (Scientific Electronic Library Online) databases. 550 papers were tabulated. There is a strong positive correlation between the number of papers and year of publication (r = 0.827; p <0.001), there has been a significant growth of publications over the years. Most of the studies were performed in terrestrial environment (soil) (32.99%). The main approaches of the studies are physical / chemical analysis (34.91%). It was found a high diversity of periodicals that publish works on mining in Brazil (H '= 4.653), being Revista Escola de Minas (6.36%) the periodical with the greatest number of publications. The state with the highest number of publications was Minas Gerais (16.43%). The minerals most related to the studies were gold (26.19%). Changes in soil quality (26.35%) have been the most studied impact on mining work. The area of ​​action of the researchers with the highest frequency of occurrence was Biological Sciences (43.27%). To evaluate the metrics of scientific production in the mining area in Brazil, allowed to identify the gaps, a factor that contributes so that possible new researchers can carry out studies that contemplate this subject, emphasizing the need to decentralize the surveys of the largest urban centers of the country and expand them to other locations.


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Author Biographies

Sabrina Santos da Costa, Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará

Possui graduação em Interdisciplinar em Ciência e Tecnologia das Águas (2017) e Gestão Ambiental (2018) pela Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará. Foi bolsista no Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Extensão - Pibex/Ufopa. Tem experiência na área de Gestão Ambiental, com ênfase em Saneamento, Educação Ambiental e Projetos Socioambientais. Atualmente é Pós-Graduanda em Consultoria e Licenciamento Ambiental na Universidade Cândido Mendes (2018) e Mestranda em Sociedade, Ambiente e Qualidade de Vida (2019) na Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará.

Leônidas Luiz Volcato Descovi Filho, Federal University of Western Pará

Adjunct Professor A, Federal University of Western Pará UFOPA (2017 - Present). Post-Doctorate with research in Geotechnologies and Water Resources UFSM (2017). PhD in Geography from the Federal University of Santa Catarina UFSC (2015). Master in water resources and environmental sanitation UFSM (2009). Graduated in Geography-Bachelor's Degree UFSM (2007). He belongs to the permanent staff of professors of the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program Society, Environment and Quality of Life / PPGSAQ / CFI / Ufopa. He belongs to the teaching staff of the Bachelor's Degree in Geology / IEG / Ufopa, where he teaches the disciplines: Hydrogeology, Geological Design, Photogeology and Remote Sensing. Currently coordinates the research project: Analysis of the intrinsic vulnerability of groundwater to contamination in Western Pará (2017 - 2019). Researcher in the hydrogeology group LABHIDROGEO / Ufsm; Geology and Natural Resources of the Amazon / IEG / Ufopa; Geotechnologies and Landscape Analysis Amazonas State University UEA and Interdisciplinary in Applied Geology UFPA. Undergraduate Course Evaluator at SINAES / INEP / MEC. Evaluator and reviewer in journals. He has experience in the following areas / lines: physical geography, geotechnologies, geology and geomorphology, hydrogeology, geoprocessing, geographic information systems, cartography, remote sensing, hydrology, water resources and watersheds.

José Max Barbosa de Oliveira Junior, Federal University of Western Pará

PhD in Zoology (ecology and conservation), professor at the Institute of Water Sciences and Technology at the Federal University of Western Pará, Santarém, Pará, Brazil.





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