Study of intestinal parasites in residents of Corumbá, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil




Intestinal parasites, Coprological Diagnosis, Pantanal, Corumbá


The diseases caused by intestinal intestinal parasites, protozoa and helminths, are common in the world therefore affect adults and especially children reaching high levels of contamination, the parasites are among the great medical and health problems, being more common in underdeveloped countries by deficiency sanitation. This study aimed to diagnose the occurrence of intestinal parasites in school 05-15 years and adults from 16 at the Municipal School Isabel Correia de Oliveira, State School Tilma Fernandes Veiga and in the Family Health Strategy (ESF), in the city of Corumbá, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. We collected 200 fecal samples with the permission of the director and health workers being, 100 children and 100 adults conducted by the Parasitology Laboratory team at the University of the State of Mato Grosso - UNEMAT, Brazil. Fecal material was labeled and listed as the collection site, age and sex and packed in coolers with ice then taken to the laboratory of Parasitology of UNEMAT. For laboratory analysis was used Hoffmann method or spontaneous sedimentation in the sequence were slides prepared and analyzed in the light microscope at 10x objective and 40 x where it was possible to view protozoan cysts and helminth eggs. Of the 200 samples of human faeces were 111 negative and 89 positive for at least one kind of intestinal parasites, has obtained a prevalence of 86.90 to protozoa were among them E.coli followed and 34.83%. E.nana, 24.70%, 20.22% Giradia lamblia, E. histolytica 16.85%% Blastocystis 3.37% and 3.37% Sarcocystis. Helminths obtained 13.10%, the most prevalent Trichuris sp with 7.80% followed by Ascaris lumbricoides, 4.49%, 1.12% Enterobius vermicularis, Taenia sp 1.12% liver Faciola 1.12%. Among the parasites found found higher prevalence in females 57%, for age group obtained 58.50 positivity for children 05-15 regarding adults from 16 years 28.20%, and even 65% of the study population They are monoparasitadas and 34% is multiinfested frequent. Based on the results it was possible to perceive a high positivity in the study population infected by intestinal parasites, it indicates that the Municipality of Corumbá MS needs greater sanitation investment, and the population needs better standards of personal hygiene and health habits as prophylaxis is the preventive measures not only the absence of disease but the welfare of families.


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