The problem of birds at Bartolomeu Lisandro Airport: avian risk




Bird risk, Collision, Airports, Operational Safety


In recent years, the number of accidents and incidents involving birds and aircraft has increased. Many aerodromes are built near urban areas or other areas that attract birds, and many of these non-resident birds are attracted to natural or anthropogenic factors, such as searching for a resting area, breeding, searching for foods that are usually the waste themselves that are incorrectly disposed of by the population living around these aerodromes. This paper aims to evaluate the main causes of bird collisions with aircraft, the impacts that are generated and the measures that should be taken in order to minimize the problem, aiming at Bartolomeu Lisandro airport, located in Campos dos Goytacazes. . The research was done on a bibliographic basis, with consultations to articles, books, documents made available on the internet, and interviews were also conducted with airport employees. The results pointed out that the main attraction factors are the waste discarded by the population around this aerodrome and the old open pit that operated approximately 4 kilometers away, which even after its closure by the city, continued to function as a place of waste disposal by the population. Aerodromes must use techniques to ward off such birds, using preventive measures such as scaring, habitat modification and exclusion, or removal. The city hall should carry out environmental education work with the population living around the airport to make them aware of the problem avoiding waste disposal and in addition, other outside organizations should be involved in managing avian risk, so there would be control and areas around the airport.


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Author Biographies

Layra de Oliveira Silva, Instituto Federal Fluminense

Mestranda em Ecologia e Recursos Naturais na Universidade Estadual Norte Fluminense; Possui graduação em Engenharia Ambiental pelo Instituto Federal Fluminense (2018); Técnica Ambiental pelo Instituto Federal Fluminense (2013); Possui estágio como Técnica Ambiental na PETROBRAS e como Engenheira Ambiental na Fundenor Campos.

Cícero Ferreira Neto, Instituto Federal Fluminense

Tem pouca experiência na área Ambiental, possui formação técnica em meio ambiente, esta com a graduação em Engenharia Ambiental em andamento. Esta sempre disposto a se atualizar e se dedicar ao máximo das atividades que lhe são encaminhadas. Busca mais conhecimento e experiência, sempre na alternativa de se aprimorar.

