Environmental education and selective collection in Mato Grosso state, Brazil
Selective collect, Environmental education, Public ministry, Association, CooperativeAbstract
The objective of the study was to analyze the compression of recyclable materials collectors in relation to environmental education, based on the actions of the Public Ministry of the State of Mato Grosso - MPMT. This is a descriptive, comparative qualitative research, based on the case study methodology. Secondary data collection, questionnaires, forms and in loco observation were used. The research raised the socioeconomic profile of the collectors of the enterprises Association of Recyclable Materials Collectors of Cáceres - ASCARC and the Cooperative of Production of Recyclable Material of Tangará da Serra - COOPERTAN. In the light of Law nº 12.305/2010 that establishes the National Policy on Solid Waste - PNRS, we sought to understand the relationship between environmental education and the actions of the MPMT, comparing, when possible, with data from the Institute of Applied Economic Research - IPEA (2013), of the National Movement of Recyclable Material Collectors - MNCR (2021). The results point to the need to expand environmental understanding among the Collectors. In relation to the MPMT members, the results pointed to the need to improve concrete acts that allow the solidification of self-management and the socio-productive inclusion of Recyclable Material Collectors in the face of the requirements of the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS), through projects submitted to the Bank of Projects and Entities - BRAPE.
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