Survey of the main changes to the ISO 14001 environmental certification, version 2015




Environmental Certification, ISO 14001:2015, Environmental Management System, Sustainability


Within the scope of corporate management, the ISO 14001 Certification can be considered the gold standard for marking Environmental Management Systems and, in order to maintain it updated and relevant, a new version of this certification was launched in 2015. In general, the main changes in ISO 14001 are related to company organization, life cycle perspective, risks management, leadership and improvement of environmental performance. In this context, we performed a systematic literature review on the main changes and developments of the ISO 14001 environmental certification update, launched in 2015. Firstly, a broad search for publications addressing the topic was carried out, in which 265 articles were identified in scientific journals. Then, filters of adherence to the theme of the systematic review were applied so that of the 265 articles that composed the initial database, 85 went through the first filter, 46 through the second filter and 20 articles through the third filter in order to constitute the core for the comparative analysis. Through the comparative analysis of the twenty selected articles, we verified that the main changes include high-level structure, organization context, commitment and leadership, environmental policy, life cycle perspective, communication, environmental performance improvement.


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Author Biographies

Bruno Soares Bento, Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais

ossui graduação em Engenharia Ambiental pelo Centro Universitário de Belo Horizonte(2015), especialização em Engenharia de Segurança do Trabalho pelo Centro Universitário UNA(2017), curso-tecnico-profissionalizante em Técnico em Meio Ambiente pelo Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais(2009) e ensino-medio-segundo-graupelo Fundação de Ensino de Contagem(2006). Atualmente é Analista de Gestão Integrada de Programas da Toshiba América do Sul Ltda.. Tem experiência na área de Engenharia Sanitária. 

Gustavo Augusto Lacorte, Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais

Professor do IFMG - Campus Bambuí. Chefe do Departamento de Ciências e Linguagens. Licenciado em Ciências Biológicas. Mestre e doutor em Genética (UFMG). Atualmente, desenvolve pesquisas na área de ecologia aplicada, com ênfase ecologia de microrganismos. Participa como docente permanente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sustentabilidade e Tecnologia Ambiental do IFMG e colaborador no programa de Pós-graduação em Docência do IFMG. Pesquisador associado do Food Research Center - FoRC (CEPID-Fapesp) e membro da Rede de Pesquisas em Queijos Artesanais Brasileiros - REPEQUAB.

