Military organization and its managers: the need for a reformulation of organizational thinking



Brazilian Army, General Theory of Administration, Public Management


The organizational management in the contemporary age faces challenges of the most diverse orders, as much in the social area as in the technological one, forcing the managers a sensible position in front of the innovations of the generation. Due to this, strategies of inclusion and personal adaptation in this era must be observed. This article deals with the behavior of military professionals responsible for managing sectors, as well as the relationship between academic training and professional qualification of military personnel within military organizations. For this purpose, the methodological research typology adopted was based on a quantitative approach, in which the Survey method was selected as the technical procedure for data collection, where a questionnaire was applied, with questions of multiple choice, to military personnel who manage certain sections within the barracks. The results presented, through the discussions, bring in its majority that the military, heads of sections have difficulties facing the challenges that arise before the position, since the transfers of military in short time, as well as the low number of staff who belong to the specific services to serve certain area corroborate for the mismanagement. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately plan a reformulation and restructuring of organizational thinking within the Brazilian Army's Military Institutions for the heads of sections.


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Author Biographies

Juliano Machado Zoch, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Militar do Exército Brasileiro, lotado na cidade de São Gabriel - RS, no 6º Batalhão de Engenharia e Combate desde 2013 até o presente momento. Mestrando em Tecnologias Educacionais em Rede pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM, Cursando Pós-graduação em Administração Pública pela Faculdade Venda Nova do Imigrante - FAVENI, Bacharel em Administração de Empresas pelo Centro Universitário Internacional - UNINTER (2015-2019), Técnico em Informática pelo Instituto Federal Farroupilha (2016-2017). Instrutor de Trânsito pelo Centro Universitário Franciscano (2017), e ainda, demais cursos complementares, citados no currículo de grande relevância para o mesmo.

Brunna Guedes da Silva, Faculdade Venda Nova do Imigrante

Bacharela em Gestão Ambiental, formada em 2017 pela Universidade Federal do Pampa, Atualmente cursando a especialização TIC aplicadas à educação (UFSM/UAB) e curso técnico em Administração pelo Instituto Federal Farroupilha. 

