Analysis of pathological manifestations of the bridge over the Taquari River in Araguatins/TO




Bridge, Inspection, Pathological Manifestations


Bridges are works of art that aim to overcome obstacles and establish the continuity of a road of any nature. They can be classified according to their purpose (such as road, rail, walkways), material (concrete, wood, metal and stones) and structural type (slab, beam, casket, lattice, arch or suspended gantry). The maintenance of structures consists of a cluster of activities, whose objective is to guarantee the performance in which the structure was designed, in order to preserve its useful life. The objective of this work was to identify and discuss the pathological manifestations about the structural elements and safety accessories of the bridge over the Taquari River, located in the Santa Tereza settlement in the municipality of Araguatins/To. A survey of the construction system, measurements and details of the bridge elements were made. Visual checks where the structural components of the bridge were classified in order to identify and address the respective pathologies present and associated with them. This work reinforces the need for intervention of preventive actions through routine inspections, since the lack of these actions reduces the useful life of the structure.


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Author Biographies

Franclin Lima de Sousa, Faculdade Católica do Tocantins

Tem experiência na área de engenharias.

Flavio Vieira da Silva Junior, Faculdade Católica do Tocantins

Engenheiro Civil pela Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA). Mestre em Infraestrutura de Transportes pelo Instituto Militar de Engenharia (IME). Experiência em planejamento de infraestrutura de transportes urbanos com ênfase em recuperação de pavimentos asfálticos e alocação de linhas de ônibus pelo Método Gravitacional de Newton para elaboração de Matrizes O/D. Atualmente Diretor Técnico da Empresa AZIMUT22, atuando principalmente no segmento de projeto e consultoria de barragens. Professor Adjunto dos Cursos de Engenharia Civil e Arquitetura e Urbanismo do Centro Universitário Católica do Tocantins. 



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