Decision-making methodologies in public management




Public Administration, Manager, Society, Decision System


To highlight the importance of understanding the Decision System as an essential factor to support the public manager through objective criteria and based strictly on technique as well as in decision-making on the implementation of projects and programs aimed at the population. Public administration is governed by the principles of legality, impersonality, morality, publicity and efficiency. With scarce resources, transparency is increasingly demanded in decisions. Society starts to act as an observer of the use of public resources in a transparent manner, introducing citizens to the public debate in order to ensure that the rights of the community are enforced. In this context, tools are needed to support transparent and objective decisions. Theoretical review of the decision-making methodologies most used in the market, through works, articles and the literature on them. Decision methods will be necessary from from that moment to support public managers who are looking for security and transparency. Tools called decision-making methodologies are extremely useful in public management decision-making processes and, for the reasons explained, among such tools, the use of the method Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is the most suitable.


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Author Biography

Marcelo André Cid Heráclito do Porto Queiroz, Instituto Brasileiro de Mercados de Capitais

Possui graduação em Direito pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica (PUC-RJ), obtendo bolsa de estudo de 80%, por desempenho acadêmico, no exame de vestibular. Inscrito na OAB desde 2009. Pós-graduado em Direito Fiscal pela PUC-RJ, pós-graduado em Gestão e Gerenciamento de Projetos pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Cursou Strengthening Political Youth Organizations em Gummersbach Alemanha em 2009, com bolsa de estudo. Representante do Brasil no programa Government and Public Policy da American Council Of Young Political Leaders (ACYPL), entidade da Embaixada Americana EUA, 2013 com bolsa de estudo. Autor das publicações: Brasil Cidadania, Instrumento e Liberdade, Capítulo III Brasil Brasis... Ética e Cidadania, Sim! , O Imposto sobre Grandes Fortunas Perigo para a classe média, Freio do desenvolvimento econômico e Desestímulo para os investidores, Editora Lacre, Rio de Janeiro 2012. Atualmente cursando Mestrado em Economia pelo IBMEC Rio de Janeiro (RJ).

