Corporate governance: board administrative functions




Governance, Code of conduct, Good habits, Audit, OPA


Governance arises from the need to assist and guide companies in the processes of global change, understood as a set of incentive and control actions, to minimize costs and encourage good practices, aiming to guide and govern for the good. -being of the company, being the Board of Directors its main pillar, and by function, to ensure the smooth running of corporate processes, sharing information and new ideas with the executive, management and operational. In Brazil, governance is recent, dating from the 1990s, with 80% of privately held institutions, as opposed to publicly traded companies, which are traded on the stock exchange. For a good fit, it is necessary to analyze new processes, adjusting to the new competitive market criteria, and follow the best path to corporate growth. The Securities Commission, the regulatory body, the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, guiding bodies, assist the councils in which paths to follow and avoid legal conflicts. The board needs to be safe in its decision-making, as well as the risks involved, honoring its investors and shareholders, not differentiating the active groups in the company. As this is a qualitative research, it seeks to explore and document experiences related to the administrative areas, the Stock Exchange, compliance, information sharing, and pertinent to the context we have the Public Offerings of Shares, which govern and control the acquisition of shares in the stock market capitals.


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Author Biography

Celso Candido, Centro Universitário Das Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas

Graduação em Sistemas de Informação; Especialização em MBA em Tecnologia da Informação; Mestrado Profissional em Administração em Governança Corporativa. Coordenador Acadêmica de Campus, Coordenador de Cursos de Tecnologia, Coordenador de Polo (EAD). Experiência na área de Ciência da Computação com ênfase em sistemas tecnológicos e de comunicação. Experiência em: Ciência da Computação com ênfase em sistemas tecnológicos e de comunicação; Coordenação Acadêmica de Campus; Coordenação de Curso; Coordenação de Polo (EAD); Professor (cursos relacionados com Tecnologia); Alinhamento de processos com a Diretoria do Campus e a Gerência Acadêmica; Palestras (Tecnologia da Informação e Governança Corporativa); Gestão e desenvolvimento equipes; Planejamento educacionais: atuando na definição de metas e objetivos; Reuniões Acadêmicas: Diretoria / Coordenação de Curso / Professor.

