Financial inclusion and old age: a systematic literature review using ProKnow-C




Financial inclusion, Bibliometric review, Systematic review, Elderly


Financial inclusion is a topic of great importance, which has been gaining prominence mainly in developing countries. The objective of this study is to identify, from scientific publications in the area of ​​Social Sciences, how financial inclusion for the elderly is addressed. In addition, the study has the following specific objectives: to carry out a bibliometric and systematic analysis of the literature using ProKnow-C; identify what is the definition of financial inclusion from the studies found; and verify the impacts of financial inclusion for the elderly on the economy. The ProKnow-C method was used to carry out the research. For this, six databases were included: Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Scopus, Web of Science, SocINDEX, OASISBR and Scientific Periodicals Electronic Library (SPELL). The search in the databases was carried out by crossing the keywords financial inclusion and the elderly, considering the Portuguese, Spanish or English languages. Finally, 14 articles were selected, which allowed the elaboration of a synthesis of the definitions of financial inclusion, in addition to the identification of the relationship with sociodemographic factors, focusing on the influence of age on the use of financial services. The results obtained show that there are gaps in the literature, and there is a need for new studies in the area, deepening the relationship between the older population and the economy, since the reduction in the birth rate and increase in life expectancy make the elderly people occupy a significant portion of the world population.


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Author Biographies

Gustavo da Silva, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Graduado em Administração pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) em 2022. Tecnólogo em Gestão em Recursos Humanos pelo Centro Universitário Leonardo da Vinci em 2020. Possui experiência na Administração Pública de Santa Catarina como Técnico em Atividades Administrativas (2020-2022). Atuou como estagiário de Planejamento e Controle de Materiais na Intelbras S/A (2020). Formação complementar em Microsoft Office Excel Avançado, Inglês Avançado, Programação Web, e Empreendedorismo.

Ana Luiza Paraboni, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Professora adjunta no Departamento de Ciências da Administração da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Foi professora substituta no Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina. Doutora e mestre em Administração pela UFSC com ênfase em Finanças Comportamentais e graduada em Administração pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Membro do Núcleo de Finanças Pessoais e Comportamentais (NUFIPEC).

