Advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing in the framework of brazilian public administration


  • José Marconde Souza da Silva Universidade do Vale do Itajaí



Public Administration, Outsourcing, Advantages, Disadvantages


The Public Administration frequently uses outsourcing, which is, in short, the transfer of activities performed by other companies, assuming that this is a modern management tool that helps to achieve its goals, especially with regard to the effective delivery of goods and services with quality and effectiveness at a low cost, with a view to favoring the collective. The adoption of this practice stems from the attempt to minimize public spending and achieve efficiency in the provision of services, since, by outsourcing activities, the State focuses on its core activity. However, identifying when and how much to outsource is necessary for the Public Administration to be successful in its intent. Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of using outsourcing for the public sector means having support for every investment in what is presented as a modern management tool. This work aims to list the main advantages and disadvantages of using outsourcing in the public sector. This is a qualitative, descriptive study, carried out through bibliographical research. The results indicate that to promote continuous improvement of outsourcing in public administration, and to obtain the advantages of outsourcing, managers should focus on notices and contracts that require companies to comply with legislation and guarantee workers’ rights, as well as periodic inspections aimed at fulfilling its responsibilities.


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Author Biography

José Marconde Souza da Silva, Universidade do Vale do Itajaí

Doutorando em Administração (UNIVALI 2022/2024). Mestre em Administração pela UNIVALI (2019/2021). Especialista em auditoria pela FAAO (2018). Graduação em Administração pelo Instituto de Ensino Superior do Acre/ UNINORTE (2008). Atuou como Coordenador Adjunto de Pós Graduação da U:VERSE. Atuou como Adjunto de CPA da U:VERSE (comissão própria de avaliação) e ainda como professor Universitário no Centro Universitário U:VERSE . Tem experiência na área de Administração, teoria e prática. 

