Agricultural aptitude and land use in the environmental zoning of the APA Macaé de Cima (RJ)
Environmental Zoning, Land Use, Agricultural Aptitude, Erosion Susceptibility, Slash-and-Burn Agriculture.Abstract
Agricultural aptitude and land use constitute two important subsidies for carrying out environmental zoning in Conservation Units. In the case of Environmental Protection Areas (EPA), as they are part of the Sustainable Use category and allow the carrying out of activities of direct and indirect use within them, these factors are even more important, not only to provide this data but to contribute to the planning of sustainable activities. In this case study, as the region of Environmental Protection Areas in Macaé de Cima (EPAMC) is located in the mountainous region, geological and geomorphological factors also had great contributions, including in studies of susceptibility to erosion. Through secondary data, analysis of aero photos and satellite images, and fieldwork, it was possible to carry out a detailed study of these three aspects: susceptibility to erosion, agricultural suitability and land use, to identify the most important activities carried out from them at EPAMC and the best way to maintain them sustainably. It was observed that the agricultural management of slash and burn, with the use of fallow, was decisive for the maintenance of expressive forest remnants found in the region, which led environmental zoning to prioritize the maintenance of this activity, considering that its performance did not threatens the environmental preservation of this United Conservation (UC).
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