Vulnerabilities to access to water in the high course of the Paraíba river basin
Riverside, Water resources, SocietyAbstract
The article identifies the vulnerabilities to access to water in the high course of the Paraíba River Basin, more precisely, in the respective municipalities of Monteiro, Camalaú, Caraúbas and São Domingos do Cariri. A field research was carried out, the preliminary project of which was submitted to the ethics committee of the Federal University of Campina Grande- UFCG and approved, with the process number: 4,818,352. This is a research with observation in locus of descriptive exploratory. Social questionnaires were applied in the municipalities and communities of Monteiro: Riacho Verde (3), Espírito Santo (3), Bredo (3) Pocinhos (1). In the municipality of Camalaú: João Mendes (1) Floresta (4) Cangalha (2) Palmatória (1) Beira Rio (1) Eldorado dos Carajás (1). In the municipality of São Domingos do Cariri: Boqueirão de São Domingos do Cariri (6), Pau Ferro (4). In the municipality of Caraúbas: Retiro (2) and Campos (8). Vulnerabilities in access to water were found in the 4 municipalities of the study. It was found that access to information by the riverside are still quite incipient; most of the communities' riparians use water directly from reservoirs in a way that is still somewhat risky for well-being; there are complaints on the part of the riparians in the environmental physical aspect; complaints from the riparians at the heart of the management for access to water.
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