Participatory management in the Municipal Environment System: a study in Condado-PB
Environmental Management, Legislation, Participation, SISMUMAAbstract
It is increasingly necessary for society to participate in decision-making with the government, especially with regard to environmental issues. In this perspective, this study aimed to identify the participation in the structuring of the Municipal Environment System of the Municipality of Condado-PB. For this, the qualitative approach was adopted, as its nature the research is called as descriptive and for the study instrument documentary research was used. The study was carried out in the County Municipality in the Mesoregion of Sertão Paraibano, where the instruments of participation present in the Municipality were analyzed. Instruments and bodies of great relevance formally instituted were identified, however, it was noticed the lack of knowledge of such policies by the population and the lack of appreciation and performance of these instruments with regard to local management.
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