Use of calcium hydroxide with anesthetic and iodoform with carbopol as intracanal medication in the treatment of periapical lesions




Endodontics, Periapical lesions, Endodontic injuries, Iodoform, Calcium hydroxide


Intracanal medications have evolved over the years in order to avoid failures, and even these being frequent even today, such innovations are necessary to offer the patient more comfort and a satisfactory treatment. To analyze in the literature the use of both drugs in the treatment of periapical lesions. A descriptive literature search was carried out to find information in the literature on the use of calcium hydroxide as an anesthetic and iodoform with carbopol as medications in the treatment of periapical lesions. Satisfactory results were observed in the regression of these to apical lesions. In addition to the ideal characteristics of iodoform and carbopol, they are effective in inhibiting bacteria responsible for a large part of endodontic failure, which are resistant to calcium hydroxide, making iodoform the first choice of intracanal medication.


Author Biography

Henrique Ruella Torres, Universidade de Gurupi

Possui graduação em Odontologia pela Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (1987) e mestrado em Odontologia pela Universidade de Taubaté (2006). Atuou ainda como Coordenador do Curso de Odontologia da UNIRG e Coordenador de Estágio do Curso de Odontologia. Atualmente é professor titular da Fundação UNIRG. Tem experiência clínica em consultório desde 1988 na área de Odontologia, com ênfase em Endodontia, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: endodontia, pasta iodoformada, tratamento do canal radicular, tratamento conservador, reparo ósseo, obturação endodôntica cone único e termoplastificação, cimento endodôntico, medicação intracanal, preparo do canal, rotatórios de NITI, instrumentos reciprocantes, apicificação com tampão apical de MTA, revascularização pulpar, biossegurança.

