Aesthetic rehabilitation with acetate matrix in deciduous anterior teeth: case report




Pediatric dentistry, Early caries, Deciduous teeth


Caries is a sugar-dependent disease of multifactorial character, which, when it happens in the first stage of life, can trigger several disorders for children and their families. Factors such as inadequate hygiene habits, either due to the lack of knowledge of those responsible, the difficulty in accessing material resources such as brushes, toothpaste and dental floss, or the resistance that the child presents to performing them, when associated with the frequent consumption of sugary foods. can cause serious damage to oral, psychological and social health. Behavioral, aesthetic, and occlusal damages can be cited, therefore, the rehabilitation of the patient in order to restore their quality of life is of paramount importance. To present a clinical case report with the use of acetate matrix in the rehabilitation of carious deciduous anterior teeth. A qualitative bibliographic research was carried out, with the objective of showing satisfactory rehabilitation techniques, using acetate matrix. Electronic databases were used: Google academic and Scielo. This work is descriptive and reports the benefits of child oral rehabilitation in a case of severe caries in a 5-year-old child, treated at the Clínica Escola de Odontologia da Universidade de Gurupi. The male patient J.M.B, presented for a Pediatric Dentistry consultation at the age of 5, has an unspecified mental disorder, difficulty in socializing and has chronic caries in elements 51, 61, 52, 62, 53, 63. For the rehabilitation of these deciduous teeth affected by severe caries, acetate matrix and composite resin were used, which are easy-to-handle, low-cost, non-laboratory, restorative materials with good longevity. After carrying out the clinical steps, the technique adopted rehabilitated the patient, aesthetically and functionally, in a satisfactory way, and contributed to an improvement in the child's quality of life.


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Author Biographies

Estefany Ferreira Soares, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais

Graduanda em Direito pela PUC-MG.Pesquisadora do PROBIC-2020 da PUC-MG com o tema: " Segregação Espacial e Vida em Condomínio: Contextos e realidades na Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte-MG. 

Marjorie Freitas Ávila Andrade, Universidade de Gurupi

Graduada em Odontologia pela FAPAC/ITPAC PORTO NACIONAL-TO, no ano de 2017. Especialista em Odontopediatria com ênfase em ortopedia preventiva pela Universidade Luterana de Palmas - CEULP/ULBRA, em 2019. Exerce a especialidade em esfera particular desde abril/2019. Servidora Pública na cidade de Gurupi - TO, atuando na área de Clínica-Geral em saúde da família desde Abril/ 2018. 

Maressa Borges dos Reis, Universidade de Gurupi

Possui graduação em Odontologia pela Fundação UNIRG (2016). É especialista em Odontopediatria pela Ulbra e Mestre em Odontopediatria pela São Leopoldo Mandic. Atualmente pós graduanda em Ortodontia pelo IPE. Atuou por 2 anos como professora na Universidade de Gurupi. Tem experiência na área de Pacientes com necessidades Especiais.

