Oil and sanitation roroyalties: an analysis of the municipality of Guamaré/RN





Basic sanitation, Water supply, Sanitary sewage, Royalties, Petroleum


This study aims to analyze the relationship between the revenues obtained with royalties and the quality of water supply and sewage services in the municipality of Guamaré, in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. To this end, bibliographic research was carried out on articles published in scientific journals that address the themes addressed in the study. Documentary research was also carried out, seeking aspects related to water supply and sanitary sewage in the legislation. In addition, a survey was also carried out with the population, through the application of questionnaires. A total of 101 responses were obtained and the data were tabulated using Excel and, subsequently, proceeded to analysis. The results show that, although one of the regions analyzed in this study has good access to the sanitary system, in general, the conditions of water supply in the municipality is still a problem, since the supply without continuity presents itself as one of the negative aspects. for the population. Thus, individual solutions for water supply, such as well drilling and water trucks, predominate. Therefore, it is necessary to make significant advances in the studied municipality so that the population enjoys a good quality of life.


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Author Biographies

Geraldo Braz Silva Santos, Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Graduação em Gestão Ambiental (bacharelado) pela Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte - UERN (2017). Pós-graduado em Educação Ambiental e Geografia do Semiárido pelo Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte - IFRN (2019). Experiência na indústria do Petróleo e gás (offshore) e energias renováveis.

Cáion Christian Oliveira de Almeida Silva, Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido

Sou formado em ciências biológicas (2005-2009), com pós-graduação em gestão e perícia ambiental (2010-2011). Atualmente, estou cursando engenharia ambiental (2019-2022) e mestrado em Ambiente, Tecnologia e Sociedade (2020-2022). Possuo experiências em parque eólico, linha de transmissão, televisão, consultoria ambiental (licenciamento e monitoramento), usina fotovoltaica, subestação e órgão ambiental estadual. Neste momento, estou responsável pelo setor de meio ambiente de uma multinacional que atua no segmento de construção de usinas fotovoltaicas no Brasil. 

