Control and removal of iron and ph of underground water by filter made on a household scale




Alternative filtration, Water treatment, Activated carbon and sand, Potability


Water consumption is one of the essential basic needs for human survival. Due to the presence of high concentrations of iron that causes inconvenience in well water in households at the place of study, this reveals the need for the development of alternative technologies capable of removing iron and correcting the pH for the treatment of drinking water human. In this sense, the objective of this work was to evaluate the control/reduction of the concentration of iron and pH present in water from household wells, in the Santo André neighborhood in the city of Santarém in the state of Pará, through filtration. For the filtration, a simplified treatment alternative was used, with a filter made of polyvinyl chloride (Pvc) containing filter materials, aiming that the maximum permissible values of iron and pH in the well water for human consumption are, respectively, 0.3 mg/L for iron and pH between (6.0 and 9.5), the physical chemical analysis of the water was carried out in two stages. In the first stage, the iron and nitrate parameters were verified in four wells, and a higher concentration of iron was detected in well 01, with 4.36 mg/L, in this other parameters were also analyzed. In the second stage, the treatment with the filter in well 01 was carried out, and analysis of the pre- and post-filtration water for (iron, pH and turbidity). The main results for the analysis of the iron parameter was a reduction of the value <5 pre - filtration, to 4.46 mg/L post - filtration, however it did not reach the adequate standard for consumption, the pH improved considerably in two analyzes and another met Consolidation Ordinance Nº 5, of September 28, 2017, from the Ministry of Health, from 5.80 pre-filtration to 6.06 post-filtration, the turbidity was 4.61, to 13.0 outside the standards , and after repeating from 0.24 to 1.24 mg/L, it increased, but remained within the standards of that ordinance.


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Author Biographies

Nailde Pinto Alves, Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará

Possui graduação Interdisciplinar em Ciências e Tecnologia das Águas pela Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará (2018), Bacharelado em Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental pela mesma universidade (2021), Pós graduanda em MBA em Segurança do Trabalho e Gestão Ambiental pelo grupo Faveni, as áreas de atuação são, Ecologia e morfologia de invertebrados aquáticos, integridade ambiental, qualidade da água, educação ambiental. Áreas de interesse, saneamento básico urbano e rural, energias renováveis, biocombustíveis, direito ambiental, desenvolvimento sustentável, educação ambiental, monitoramento e conservação ambiental, Sistemas agroflorestais, Avaliação de impactos Ambientais, resíduos sólidos.

Jaelbe Lemos de castro, Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará

Possui graduação em Bacharelado em Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental pela Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará (2021). Tem experiência na área de Ecologia, com ênfase em Ecologia; Análises Técnicas e Ambientais de Qualidade da Água e de Efluentes.

Mauro Alexandre Paula de Sousa, Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará

Possui graduação em Engenharia Civil pela Universidade Federal do Pará (2011), mestrado em Engenharia Civil pela Universidade Federal de Goiás (2014). Atualmente é professor da Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará. Tem experiência na área de Engenharia Civil, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Projetos de Fundações, estruturas metálicas e de concreto armado, execução de ensaios in situ e de laboratório e análise numérica de estruturas e Fundações.

