The predominance of environmental violations against flora in the south of Minas Gerais according to Military Police data
Police, Environmental Sanctions, Flora, PenaltiesAbstract
This work presents a characterization of the environmental sanctions drawn up by the 2nd Platoon of the 6th Military Environmental Police Company of the State of Minas Gerais between the years 2015 and 2018 in nineteen cities in the south of the state. This work presents a characterization of the environmental assessments drawn up by the 2nd platoon of the 6th Battalion Company of the Military Environment Police of the State of Minas Gerais between the years 2015 and 2018, in nineteen cities in the south of the state. The region is abundant in water resources and incidence of the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado biomes where industrial, agricultural and mining activities among others are developed with an accentuated urbanization process. The main objective is to find out which class of assessment mostly occurred during the study period in the region and the research was carried out through data analysis made available by the corporation itself, containing information about its actions. This study was carried out aiming to provide information which can be used to improve environmental management in this region and in other locations. It was found in some analyzed studies that environmental police are often assigned to work by other non-specialized police in a given area of activity. Analyzing environmental sanctions data, that occurred in the region, there was a greater occurrence of infractions against flora and a high volume of fine penalties, showing identity to the recovered research. The study offered a fertile field to be further developed since there were few studies on environmental sanctions, penalties applied due to environmental infractions and the performance of the environmental police.
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