Bridge Aracaju destination Barra dos Coqueiros, Sergipe, Brazil: infrastructure and/or pole of valorization as a phenomenon of land valuation




Real Estate Market, Engineering Reviews, Urban Infrastructure, Distance to Polo Valorize


With the completion of construction of the bridge "Builder João Alves" there was a large real estate appreciation in the Coconut Bar (SE). Construction of the bridge took place between August 2004 and September 2006. The phenomenon of real estate valuation is associated with investments in infrastructure in valorize area, and in particular large investments of public power. In this context, this study could demonstrate that beyond a certain and common census that investments in urban infrastructure value the land, it is possible and necessary to take a fresh look on the issue, you will see not only the work itself and its surroundings, but trying to understand that bridge works have the particularity to "nudge" people, interests, investments, integrate neighborhoods, integrating cities; and that this whole set of associated things are able to move an entire polo valorize; and thus, polo valorize would not just something that once implanted becomes fixed, but something that can be dynamic, something that already exists but difficult access. By developing hypotheses and graph analysis of comments on the land value in the Coconut Bar municipality (SE) in a pre, during and post-construction bridge Aracaju (SE) the Coconut Bar (SE), can if evidence that the construction of the bridge valued the land at the Coconut Bar (SE), but the main aspect of recovery did not occur for the implementation of the bridge itself as infrastructure, but by the displacement of "area valorize Aracaju (SE)" , which went from influence highly influence that city.


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Author Biographies

Erlon Marcos da Costa Neves, Universidade Cidade de São Paulo

Tem experiência na área de Engenharia Civil. 

Carlos Eduardo Silva, Universidade Tiradentes

É Sócio e Diretor da Sustenere Publishing Corporation (editora), e da EAPA International e Brasil (treinamento esportivo de aventura e ecoturismo). Atua no Grupo Ser Educacional (Faculdade UNINASSAU Aracaju) como professor e coordenador de cursos de graduação e pós-graduação na área de gestão e negócios. Possui Bacharelado em Administração e é graduando em Direito (Faculdade Estácio de Sergipe), Especialista em Planejamento e Gestão de Projetos Sociais (Universidade Tiradentes), cursa Especialização em Direito Ambiental (Universidade Maurício de Nassau), é Mestre e Doutorando em Saúde e Ambiente (Universidade Tiradentes). No ensino superior atuou como coordenador e docente de graduação e pós-graduação de instituições de ensino superior como Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS), Universidade Cidade de São Paulo (UNICID), Universidade Paulista (UNIP), Universidade Tiradentes (UNIT), Faculdade Serigy, Faculdade Ages, e FANESE. É palestrante e consultor independente de nível nacional com diversos artigos e livros publicados.

