Pathological manifestations in asphalt paving: case study at TO-050, on the road ring stretch in Porto Nacional/TO


  • Jhonatas Cristhian Messias Pires Instituto Tocantinense Presidente Antônio Carlos
  • Alesi Teixeira Mendes Instituto Tocantinense Presidente Antônio Carlos



Pathology, Flexible floor, Highway TO-050, Porto Nacional


Highways play a significant role in Brazil, as they are the main transport instrument used, concentrating more than 60% of the country's transport. Despite the high importance of highways, the lack of quality infrastructure compromises the efficiency of transport, with many high quality roads. This is due to the fact that almost the entire road network in the country is composed of flexible pavements, with a problem related to not meeting the technical requirements of the support capacity of the pavement layers and the quality of the materials used, in addition to the lack of maintenance. periodic be common. This poor conservation of roads in Brazil is verified on the TO-050 highway, in the stretch included in the Porto Nacional - TO ring road, a road of fundamental importance for the flow of the state. In view of this, it was sought, through this research, to analyze the pathological manifestations in TO-050, in the stretch included in the ring road of Porto Nacional - TO, where several pathological manifestations were verified, among which the leather type cracking stands out. alligator, exudation, slipping, undulation and repairs, where most are due to the lack of maintenance on the highway or even the execution of inadequate maintenance. In this sense, it is up to the responsible body, whether the state or the federation after the highway is federalized, to carry out studies on the highway to verify its resistance and load capacity in view of its use, as well as to carry out preventive and corrective maintenance to improve track conditions.


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Author Biographies

Jhonatas Cristhian Messias Pires, Instituto Tocantinense Presidente Antônio Carlos

Possui ensino-medio-segundo-graupelo Colegio Sagrado Coração de Jesus - Filial Tocantins(2009).

Alesi Teixeira Mendes, Instituto Tocantinense Presidente Antônio Carlos

Graduação em Engenharia Civil pela Universidade Federal do Tocantins (2018), Especialista em Geoprocessamento (2019), e Mestre em Engenharia Ambiental (2019), com ênfase em Recursos Hídricos e Projetos de Saneamento, pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Ambiental da UFT. Professor dos cursos de Engenharia Civil e Arquitetura e Urbanismo do Instituto Presidente Antônio Carlos ? ITPAC Porto Nacional e da Universidade de Gurupi. Pesquisador da Universidade Federal do Tocantins no convênio entre a FUNASA e a UFT para elaboração de Planos Municipais de Saneamento Básico para 22 municípios do Estado do Tocantins. Pesquisador voluntário do Instituto de Atenção às Cidades da UFT na Fase D do programa Gestão de Alto Nível (Projeto finalista do Prêmio ANA 2020). Pesquisador do IPEA no projeto "Monitor do Saneamento do IPEA".

