Evaluation of ITPAC Porto building beta block surface drainage system





Building surface drainage, NBR10844, Performance


The present work analyzes the current building surface drainage system of the building block of the President Antonio Carlos College, verifying meteorological factors of the region, building contribution areas, among others to carry out a case study of the whole drainage set that encompasses rails, vertical and horizontal conductors, and making a comparison with a new project that makes a better system possible. In the new project, data from the block was collected, making measurements of the width, length and inclination of the building to obtain the project flow. The vertical collectors and gutters were also measured, verifying where the precipitated waters were carried, in order to point out a water accumulation on the side of the building. For the elaboration of the Project it was used to the standard of rainwater building installations that is the Brazilian norm of regulation NBR (10844). Performing all measurements, the new project was compared with the current system and pointed out some differences between them. The results presented, showed some points that improvements can be proposed in order to avoid any damage.


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Author Biography

Eduardo Gouveia Santiago Lage, Faculdade da Terra de Brasília

Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás (2003). Atualmente empresário e professor de ensino superior - ITPAC Porto Nacional. Tem experiência na área de Engenharia Elétrica e Saneamento, com especialização em Saneamento e Meio Ambiente. Atuação com ênfase em Instalações Elétricas e Hidráulicas. Experiência profissional em liderança de equipes comerciais, administrativas e de manutenção. 

