Characterization of textile effluent and treatment proposal using a compact ETA




Textile effluent treatment, Physical-chemical treatment, Pollution


The textile industry is defined by the high consumption of water and the large generation of effluents with a polluting load. One of the most used techniques in the treatment of this effluent is through the physical-chemical processes of coagulation/flocculation. Characterizing the effluent allows its most critical points to be identified, and thus, the form that best suits its treatment. Given this, the present study presents the results obtained in the characterization of na effluent from the textile industry and its treatment proposal. In this study, the following parameters were analyzed: sedimentable solids, sulfates, chlorides, turbidity, pH and conductivity. Finally, it presents its treatment using a compact ETA.


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Author Biography

Kleiton Júnior de Lima, Faculdade do Vale do Ipojuca

Possui graduação em Engenharia Ambiental e Sanitária pelo Centro Univeristário Vale do Ipojuca(2023). 

