Concrete carbonation: comparative analysis of carbonation depth in concrete with replacement of twenty percent of the fine aggregate by RCC, exposed in different environments




Carbonation, Concrete, Proof bodies


This article analyzes the depth of carbonation in concrete with replacement of twenty percent of the fine aggregate by RCC. Many studies are carried out on the pathologies that attack concrete structures, we can see that research and tests on the corrosion of reinforced concrete have a great emphasis, manifestations caused by the carbonation of the concrete. The method of carbonation of concrete is the constant pathological hatching that reduces the efficiency of the protection that the concrete has for the reinforced steel structure within it, a pathology that results from the decrease in the pH of the cementitious materials in the concrete, as a result of the reaction physical-chemistry of the hydrated compounds of cement and the carbon dioxide existing in the atmosphere. The present study refers to the concrete carbonation process by the natural method, where the tests were carried out in the civil engineering laboratory of the Unifavip Wyden College. For the natural method 25 specimens were produced manually, in the compression test 9 specimens were used and traction by diametrical compression 4 specimens. After the period of curing of the specimens that were left in an H2O tank, 3 specimens were used for the initial compression test. Of these remaining specimens, 11 were placed exposed outside the laboratory without any protection and 11 inside the laboratory. After 14 days, 1 specimen of both environments was ruptured through diametral compression traction, then the phenolphthalein solution was placed on the 2 specimens, after 2 hours with the aid of a caliper, the carbonation depth was measured, on the same day the compression test was also carried out on 3 specimens from inside and 3 specimens that were exposed outside the laboratory, with 35 days the same traction process was repeated by diametral compression, for the realization of the article and diagnosis of the information obtained.


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Author Biographies

Maria Brunna Mikaelly da Silva, Centro Universitário Vale do Ipojuca

Possui ensino-medio-segundo-graupela Escola de referência em Ensino Médio Deolinda Amaral(2015).

Luana Galdino Mendes de Almeida, Centro Universitário das Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas

Possui ensino-medio-segundo-graupela E.E. PROFESSOR HÉLIOS HEBER LINO(2012). Tem experiência na área de Administração.

Anderson Laursen, Centro Universitário Vale do Ipojuca

Doutor em Ciências e Engenharia de Materiais pela Universidade Federal de Campina Grande-UFCG com ênfase em processamento de materiais cerâmicos, mestre em Ciências e Engenharia de Materiais pela Universidade Federal de Campina Grande-UFCG com ênfase em processos de soldagem. Especialista em gestão da qualidade, UNISAL (2010). Entre 2007 e 2014 atuou no setor industrial de mineração e beneficiamento de gesso com experiência nas áreas de: gestão da qualidade; pós vendas; planejamento e controle de produção; processos industriais; e assistência técnica aos clientes. Atualmente é docente do Centro Universitário do Vale do Ipojuca UNIFAVIP-YDUQS dos cursos de engenharias. Membro de Núcleos Docente Estruturante e pesquisador nas áreas de materiais e processamento.

