Rainwater reuse: decrease in environmental impacts in residential Alto da Jaqueira Catende (PE)


  • Wilton Carlos Lima dos Anjos Centro Universitário Vale do Ipojuca




Rain, Supply, System, Capture


The use of rainwater to supply homes is extremely important for people who do not have a good supply from the responsible state concessionaire. In order to reuse this water, it is necessary to scale a system for capturing and reusing rain, therefore, the objective of this work is to design a system for capturing, storing and reusing rainwater for the residences of the residential Alto da Jaqueira, in the city of Catende (PE), as an alternative to reduce water consumption for non-noble purposes and thereby contribute to improving the supply of the municipality. As results obtained in this case study, it was possible to design a system that would supply the use of water for non-potable purposes, as treatment for this situation will not be carried out. It was possible to conclude that you can reuse rainwater, as well as it is very important to take advantage of it to save money and reduce possible impacts.


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Author Biography

Wilton Carlos Lima dos Anjos, Centro Universitário Vale do Ipojuca

Possui graduação em Engenharia Civil pelo Centro Univeristário Vale do Ipojuca(2023). Tem experiência na área de Engenharia Civil, com ênfase em Construção Civil.

