Food additives: functions, applications, and risks to human health




Food Additives, Food Technology, Nutrition


All foods are subject to deterioration processes during their shelf life. The use of additives is crucial to extend the shelf life of food, improving and preserving its physicochemical, nutritional, and sensory properties. However, there is a growing concern among the population regarding the impacts of these substances on human health. Based on this, the objective of this study was to address and discuss the topic of food additives, their respective functions, and applications, highlighting the importance of their use as well as the risks of excessive consumption on human health. To achieve this, a search was conducted in four databases, SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online), Google Scholar, Research Gate, and the Library of Centro Universitário Unifavip | Wyden, including national and international publications from 2008 to 2022, using the keywords "food technology," "food additives," "chemical additives in food," and "adverse effects of food additives on health." Despite the existing controversies, research has shown that excessive consumption, largely through processed foods, can lead to adverse health reactions such as hypersensitivity, impacts on the microbiota, and metabolic diseases like diabetes and obesity. It is advisable to avoid excessive consumption of food with additives, and further research is needed on the toxicology and cumulative effects on health to ensure food safety for the population.


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Author Biography

Evandro de Souza Queiroz , Centro Universitário Vale do Ipojuca

Profissional com sólida experiência, capacitado e graduado em engenharia Ambiental, pós-graduação em Gestão Ambiental e Engenharia de Segurança do Trabalho, com atuação em Gestão Integrada (Saúde, Segurança do Trabalho e Meio Ambiente) em empresas de grande porte, tendo participação direta em planejamento estratégico, gestão de pessoas, trabalho em equipe, participação em adequações a novos projetos, processos industriais, gestão de riscos, segurança de processos químicos, auditorias das normas regulamentadoras do MTE, gerenciar o sistema de gestão ambiental (ISO 14001), tratamento de efluentes e as licenças ambientais. Coordenador e professor dos cursos nas áreas das engenharias da UNIFAVIP WYDEN e Membro de Núcleos Docente Estruturante

