The importance of water treatment for equipment sustainability: steam generators




Chemical water treatment, Steam generators, Corrosion, Encrustation, Deposits


This article aims to present the importance of chemical water treatment which is a fundamental service for the preservation and proper functioning of steam generating equipment. This is because the water used in these machines can contain impurities and contaminants, which in contact with the metallic properties of this equipment comes to cause corrosion, fouling and deposits in the pipes, compromising the efficiency and safety of the system. The treatment consists of adding chemicals to the water to control various parameters such as acidity, alkalinity, hardness and other characteristics that affect the vulnerability of the system. Thus maintaining the efficiency of the equipment and extending its useful life.


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Author Biography

Rafael Henrique da Silva Lima, Centro Universitário Vale do Ipojuca

Possui ensino médio segundo grau pela EREM Agamenon Magalhães(2017).

